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Optimizing Postoperative Pain Management in Patients with Chronic Pain

Regular Price: $20.00
Online Course & CNE Credit Expiration: 12/01/2024
1.75 Contact Hours
Presented by Ana

People suffering with chronic pain have a higher risk for uncontrolled perioperative pain. Nurses need to be knowledgeable about safe and effective strategies for pain palliation. Enhance your ability to care for patients suffering from chronic pain by exploring the current literature and adopting patient-centered strategies.

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Course Details


Patients with chronic pain are at higher risk for uncontrolled pain during and after surgery. Nurses can serve as liaisons between patients and an interdisciplinary team to mitigate pain. To be effective in this role, nurses need to understand recommendations for preparing patients with chronic pain for surgery, how to set expectations for pain management, and pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatment options.

Key Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe preoperative pain assessment and education.
  2. Discuss the pharmacologic management of pain in postoperative patients.
  3. Identify patients at risk for adverse effects of postoperative pharmacologic pain management.

Presented by: 

Marie O’Brien, DNP, ANP-C, PMGT-BC, CCRN, and Aaron M. Sebach, PhD, DNP, MBA, AGACNP-BC, FNP-BC, NP-C, CLNC, CNE, CNEcl, SFHM

Marie O’Brien is the coordinator of the Integrative Pain Management Program at Mather Hospital Northwell Health in Port Jefferson, New York.

Aaron M. Sebach is an associate professor and director of graduate nursing programs at Wilmington University in New Castle, Delaware, and a hospital medicine nurse practitioner at TidalHealth Peninsula Regional in Salisbury, Maryland.

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Accreditation Statements

The American Nurses Association is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.


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